Saturday, October 24, 2009

✿ Essay


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

✿ Interview questions

1. Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality?
My name is Bolorsaran. I am always eager to learn new methods and procedures, and have implemented continuous improvement techniques in my past positions. I like working with people and enjoy group projects, but am also a self-starter who doesn't mind working on my own.

2. What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?
My greatest strength is my flexibility.
I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

3. Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
Within five years, I would like to become the very best accountant your company has on staff. And in doing so, I feel I’ll be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities which might be presented in the long term.

4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life ?
I would have done better in high school, never late, not worried about the small things that I used to, and just plain had more fun and enjoyed life.

5. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
When I was in school I was in choir, band, and foreign language club. Also I was a school events participants and Volunteers.

6.What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-activities?
I loved school and I was a good student. I learned a lot things from participation in extra-curricular-activities. I have learned listen to the older ones and to learn from my mistakes.

7.Describe your ideal company, position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?
I appreciate an employer that will respect and appreciate our loyalty and commitment and compensate me appropriately for my hard work and dedication.

8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I have learned that work conditions change from day to day and throughout the day, as well, no matter where I have worked in the past. I also have realized that certain projects require individual attention and others involve a teamwork approach.

9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
I am not depending on money to make me happy. What makes me happy is having a satisfying job that provides challenge and new situations daily.

10. Can you work under pressure ?
I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.

11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
I think it is very important.
Communication is the most important thing in people relationship. My experience is more communication, high work efficiency on my job especially in big company.

12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I am equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently. In researching the company, I could see similarities to my previous position where there were some assignments that required a great deal of independent work and research and others where the team effort was most effective. As I said, I'm comfortable with both.

13. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
My primary objectives are to learn as much as possible about your company, organizational structure, and so that I may become the most productive member of your team. I sincerely believe that I will become a very good financial consultant.

14. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My short-term objectives are to graduate from the Professional Development Program before the standard two years and begin developing a clientele. I'd like to make the company that hires me wonder what it ever did without me.

15. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I will continue my professional development my participating in conferences, attending seminars, and continuing my education.

16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school) ?
For my first job, I was happy to know I would be working in a job that utilized my education. It was exciting to know that within just a few weeks of graduation, I had my first paycheck.

17. Why do you want to work for this company?
I am convinced that there would be no better place to work than this company.
This is exactly the right that I am looking for as it will fully utilise my vast knowledge in this field and also enable me to develop my skills in other areas.

18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer?

19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?

20. What salary would you expect for this position?
I am sure that I am the candidate you are looking for. If you feel the same, the I'm sure your offer will be fair and commensurate with the value I can bring the company.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

✿ Abstract

Traffic Engineering

    Traffic engineering as it applies to traditional voice network is determined the number of trunks necessary to carry a required amount of voice calls during a period of time.
    Traffic engineering a voice over X network is a five step processing. Including a two step is in most large businesses it is more cost effective to apply traffic engineering to groups of trunks serving a common purpose. Start by separating the traffic into inbound and outbound directions.
    The traffic volume in telephone engineering is measured in units called erlangs. An erlang is the amount of traffic one trunk can handle in one hour. It is a non-dimensional unit that has many functions.

✿ Reference letter


The Black Morgan INC for Reconstruction and Development.

143/5, 1st ward,Chingiss Street, Khan-Uul district.



     I would like to recommend Mrs B Bolorsaran, Senior expert of the Corporate Policy Department at the Black Morgan of Mongolia, as an excellent candidate for an accounting occupation.

     Mrs B Bolorsaran has proven herself at the Progresso and previous occupations as an experienced staff with analytical skills.

     Her dynamic personality geared to take initiatives and good communication abilities have been a great asset to the banking organization's policy making its implementation.

     No doubt where ever Mrs B Bolorsaran is employed, her contribution will be notable and appreciated.

With kind regards,

XXXXX (Signature)




✿ Business letter


The Black Morgan INC for Reconstruction and Development.

143/5, 1st ward,Chingiss Street, Khan-Uul district.


Dear: Mr. Dorj

     I appreciate you taking the time to speak to me about the internship position available at Black Morgan Corporation. I am excited about the opportunity to intern with such a well-regarded organization.The internship, as you presented it, seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. I am confident that my coursework in accounting will enable me to be a productive member of team.

     I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you. If I can provide you with additional information, please let me know.

     Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

B.Bolorsaran (Signature)


19 October, 2009


Monday, October 19, 2009

✿ Cover letter


The Black Morgan INC for Reconstruction and Development.

143/5, 1st ward,Chingiss Street, Khan-Uul district.


7-12 Bayanzurkh district, UB, Mongolia, Tel:12345678               


     I am very interested to apply for the chip accountant position recently advertised in The Onoodriin sonin.

     As you will see from my CV, the internship I had with Progresso Corporation provided a unique opportunity for me to gain practical experience with account maintenance and cold-calling new accounts.And I have equipped myself with all Accounting functions which includes Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing and providing Administrative support to the Management.Strong aptitude with Peachtree and MS Office packages like Access, Excel and PowerPoint helps me in decent and organized representation of my Accounts Work.

     I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my education and experience will be helpful to you.

     I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

B.Bolorsaran (Signature)


19 October, 2009


Sunday, October 18, 2009

✿ Translation of paragraph (used source: professional magazine)

(Title: How to Add and Modify Parameters in Oracle)

During daily work, the following cases may occur.
Ажил дээр дараах тохиолдлууд гарч магадгүй.Үүнд:
  1. When failures occur in an office, the development personnel locates the problem which is caused by a parameter missing or invalid parameter setting required modification in the Oracle system after research.
    Ажил дээр алдаа гарсан үед, програмч нь судалж үзээд, Оракл систем дэх параметрийн тохиргоог орхигдуулсан эсвэл буруу параметр тохируулснаас шалтгаалсан алдаануудыг илрүүлж, параметрийн зөв тохиргоог хийж асуудлыг шийддэг.

    It is a common problem, so we send technical notifications to all offices requiring them to check and add or modify corresponding parameter.
    Энэ асуудал нь их нийтлэг тохиолддог учраас, бид техникийн анхааруулгыг албан газруудад илгээдэг ба тэдний хүсэлтээр зохих параметрийг нэмж тохируулах эсвэл параметрийн тохиргоог шалгах, өөрчлөн тохируулах зэргийг хийж өгдөг.

✿ How to translate from english - 15 steps

Num Steps Check
1. Гарчигаа сайтар уншиж, ойлгохыг хичээнэ.
Read the title carefully and try to understand it.
2. Текстээ бүхэлд нь гүйлгэн харна.
Glance over the whole text.
3. Юуны тухай гэдгийг ерөнхийд нь таамаглана.
Guess what it is about generally.
4. Өгүүлбэр өгүүлбрээр нь нягтлан уншина.
Reading thoroughly sentence by sentence.
5. Өгүүлбэрийн бүтцийг харна.
Look at the structure of the sentence.
6. Угтвар, холбоос үгнүүдийг сайтар харна.
Look at prefix and conjunction words in detail.
7. Үгийн төрлөөр нь ялгаж харна.
Identify the type for each word.
8. Дахин сайтар уншиж мэдэхгүй үгны утгыг нь таах гэж үзнэ.
Read again carefully and try to guess the meaning of each unknown word.
9. Мэдэхгүй үгээ толиос харна.
Look new word up in the dictionary.
10. Орчуулж өгүүлбэрийн үндсэн утгыг гаргахыг зорино.
Try to translate and lay out the sentence.
11. Орчуулгаа ноороглож бичнэ.
Write down a draft translation.
12. Ойлгоход хялбар болгож, найруулгыг хянана.
Make it easy to understand and examine the wording.
13. Нооргоо цэгцэлж эх хувилбарыг гаргана.
Rearrange the draft text and produce an initial version.
14. Ерөнхий утга санааг алдагдуулсан эсэхийг шалгана.
Check the principal meaning, whether it is out of context.
15. Эх хувилбараасаа сүүлийн хувилбарыг гаргана.
Produce a final version out of the initial version.